I was asked to create a tropical border by a decked area for a client earlier this year.

Border before planting – March 2018
This how the border looked after removing perennial weeds and incorporating organic matter to an extremely clay soil .

Border after planting – April 2018
Once planted the border started to take shape.
Phormium ‘Bronze Baby’ was usedĀ to provide year-round structural interest. It was time now to water the plants in and leave them establish.

Planting starting to look established – July 2018
Three months on and the plants are looking happy and established.
Crocosmia ‘Pauls’s Best Yellow’ is in full flower with bright yellow flowers held on trusses which cascade from tall upright stems. Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’ with its large, golden-yellow daisy-like flowers is just starting to make an appearance.

Heleniums adding a pop of colour to the border
Heleniums always add a splash of colour to a planting scheme. This one is Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’. It a perennial, so will come up every year and produce itsĀ flower-heads from early to mid-summer